better reed cage in the works. v-force maybe?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
real four petal rips. good upgrade over the stock polini "four" petal which is actually a two petal. plus it came with screws already tapped, which makes changing to different reeds a breeze
curious spaces,
garage space,
new ones,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
David and the goliaths
David, Happy 30th. wish you were here. you would've loved what big B done to your g3 dude. Shaw ported the shizzzz outta that a35. i miss ya too much man
fly by night operations,
If ya haven't had Roscoe's chicken and waffles then you suck. hmmmmmm yum OM NOM NOM NOM
Long Beach County
fuck you,
Friday, October 23, 2009
all in the details
I know you've seen too many kits from the factory or from shipping or from whatever with casting defects, warped barrels, factory porting gone too far into the stud holes, misaligned iron bores, bent skirts, asymetrical transfer timing, other random terribles yada yada yada i guess quality control isnt what it used to be. some of the things i do to EVERY kit since my first kit is the ring gapping, chamfering, leveling flanges for airleaks, strong wiring and other secret piston mods. Cant stress these ones enough boys and girls. Little attentions to detail will either make or break your bike. Too important to overlook because if ya dont know do some research! so kiddies prep your kits properly, and they will love you. ive been reading 2-stroke handbook recently cant ya tell?!
For all you cheap bastards myself included. thanks Gordon Jennings!
For all you cheap bastards myself included. thanks Gordon Jennings!
good omens,
Ring gaps,
shiny new things,
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Woolly Bullies! Halloweeen Rally! Oi Oi Oi
alas I dont think im gonna make this one. maybe this one
ummmmmmmmmmmm yea
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Knucklehead B sealing up e-50. his metra80 is a monstrosity. recently broke two bones in his right hand. no more riding for at least a month. bummer
Box o' carbs. some good some not. some undersized, some overpriced
Oko's suck i guess. B never got one working properly. his oko's didn't like to keep the float bowl full. kept on running dry. hmmm curious...
Myrons Mopedssss. Haven't seen shaun in a while. Really organized his shop since last. I gawked a bit, talked moped theory. Nineteen Fifty Something Montgomery Ward Riverside A3 transplant. sweet
well ive figured that
#1 I need a real camera
#2 I still want that Cobra from Eric
#3 gotta figure a way to come up with some extra scratch for said cobra
#4 my moms still wants to ride my Sachs. I dont really wanna tell her that mopeds stink and are all greasy and oily. Also that mopeds are kinda dangerous. My momma tells me that she had a Motobecane back in Vietnam before the war. so cool. i guess its a nostalgic childhood thing
#5 Permatex Grey Ultra Rigiiiidddddd!
thats it. haven't really figured much else
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
American Film Institute. unpaid extras means rowdy, rowdy, obnoxiousness
Saturday and Sunday filming in LA. worked on friday night, slept two hours and I got to AFI with MattD on saturday 8:30 in the morn. It was kinda just waitin around some then some shots then some more waitin around. it was ok and I actually got a line! "Come on Dee!" was my line executed clumsily. waiting around all day to do the same scene over and over takes quite a bit of energy and focus ive realized. we finished about 6pm that day. So beat. I partied and crashed out on Woolly Bully Mike's denim couch. it's very familiar. On sunday Mike and I went for a nice and pretty afternoon ride around Silverlake a little bit. We got some beers and free food to commence the days activities. met up with Mikes girl Dadia, the costume designer for the short. Went back to Mikes house to put together a bike for Jose so he could ride, but soon found out another broken clutch bell which in total numbers four, count em FOUR broken clutch bells. hmmmm interesting. Same exact problem, maybe a different solution guys?? well afterwards we met back at the house where they were filming the house party scene. got some more free taco truck food, fashionably late and already been drinkin. Did several takes of the party with me in a scene with Tiger Lauren and Oscar. hilarious. "QUIET ON SET!" passively directed toward us. hahaha i have a whole new respect for production crews. seemed like pretty long hours for just a fifteen minute short. plus they had to put up with our rowdy rowdy obnoxiousness all weekend. im also pretty sure they're sick of inhaling stinky 2-stroke smoke
Saturday morning filming. shits real hectic. lets get down to business, what the hell is this?
fellow Knuckleheads! Big B and Eric on set ready to do another take.
Tigers. super sexy Stevie. all crotch no rockets
Tigers. Lindsay newly blonde. golden sun, shimmer
Bully Chris' Freespirit for close up
definitely a surreal experience thats for sure. cant wait for the actual finished product. video to come sooooon
Saturday morning filming. shits real hectic. lets get down to business, what the hell is this?
fellow Knuckleheads! Big B and Eric on set ready to do another take.
Tigers. super sexy Stevie. all crotch no rockets
Tigers. Lindsay newly blonde. golden sun, shimmer
Bully Chris' Freespirit for close up
definitely a surreal experience thats for sure. cant wait for the actual finished product. video to come sooooon
Friday, October 9, 2009
curious spaces
hmmmmm curious spaces. it think i could fit another one in there
burrito run celebration prep yum OM NOM NOM 10.04.09
Well things to come. Tiger Matt is filming a short for his school. AFI!? filming on saturday and sunday. maybe monday and tuesday too. this is gonna be so cool. Definitely a whole new experience. anybody in LA with nothing to do this weekend, come along! everyone who shows gets a free copy of the final dvd and free lunch! TigerMatthew needs all the extras he can get. Click on one of the links below to get a call sheet if ya wants to be in the movie! just email him and he'll give ya all the info needed or the link to this thread on Moped Army
Matts email -
or respond here on this Moped Army thread
well supercited about this film. wonder how its gonna turn out. more pictures to come
Well things to come. Tiger Matt is filming a short for his school. AFI!? filming on saturday and sunday. maybe monday and tuesday too. this is gonna be so cool. Definitely a whole new experience. anybody in LA with nothing to do this weekend, come along! everyone who shows gets a free copy of the final dvd and free lunch! TigerMatthew needs all the extras he can get. Click on one of the links below to get a call sheet if ya wants to be in the movie! just email him and he'll give ya all the info needed or the link to this thread on Moped Army
Matts email -
or respond here on this Moped Army thread
well supercited about this film. wonder how its gonna turn out. more pictures to come
two-stroke tuesdays. 3 year anniversary
happy anniversary latebirdies! Four years as a gang, and three years of two-stroke tuesdays. There was a pretty good showing. Pizza and beer. yum
sorry for the crappy pics. until i get a real camera, its all foggy blurriness
sorry for the crappy pics. until i get a real camera, its all foggy blurriness
Sunday, October 4, 2009
latenight sessions
some maintenance work. checking for any problems before the Knucklehead ride this sunday and before Tiger Matt's filming for that short. The jug is flawless, dripping oil down the cylinder walls. no bluing of the wrist pin or needle bearing.hmmmmm good signs.

some pics of other late night random debaucheries. fly by night operations. cover of darkness. low pro
very little con rod big end bearing play. considering this bike has 15,000miles+ on this bike. seriously. stock a55 case transfers. humongo for stock.

some pics of other late night random debaucheries. fly by night operations. cover of darkness. low pro
thats it. more to come soon! super excited about Cobra?? maybe? yea.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Beats!Beats! Dance!Dance!Dance!!
where the wild things are
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