Monday, December 28, 2009

white elephant christmas

some pics of old friends

the bestest. Nancy!

in other moped news, Ride Report 2010.
Casey who has taken over the Myron's rides is hosting a ride to Pasadena on January 3rd.
LA Tigers are having their first official ride, 50 miles +  on January 9th. clicky here details
Woolly Bullies putting it down!! for the Second Annual LA Desert Run and Partay. 100+ miles for moped madness. If you think you'll survive, show up for this one. January 16th. MA thread for details

well thats it for now

Monday, December 21, 2009

no funds

underemployment, no monies for a big boy carb rite now. im gonna make the Cobromos build a mild mannered one til i can discover a way to make money grow on trees. For now gotta make due with the little guy 14SHA.

had these two pedal reeds laying around from a previous project. pretty good reeds

busted out the Dremel today. had to remove a lot of material from the manifold so it could flow smoothly
 smoothed out the transitions a bit.  square peg in a round hole kinda thing, ya know? nothing impressive. Still got to finish her up a bit

Awww well. im tired. thats it for now. Tomorrow, some cylinder work

Friday, December 18, 2009


some tinkering with fellow knucklehead. got the 24mm intake manifold fabricated. also STILL had to hack and weld the Simonini to fit. Pedal clearance? forget about it

80 metra ported to the heavens and freshly rebuilt.  The wiring is still not done

On the left are Tomos brakes. On the right are Puch. huge difference

the recent rain storms have passed and hasn't rained for 3 days here in california. We ride soooooon soon

Thursday, December 10, 2009


no bloggy for a couple weeks. family stuff. went to Texas to see my dad for thanksgiving. saw alot of stuff, met alot of family, ate bunches of delicious foodstuffs. stopped by the Grand Canyon, which was amaaaazzzing! the canyon looked like a painting. those pictures to come sooon. Well some moped updates:
Knucklehead B's new tomos. he's stoked. It came from Nick of Choke to Woolly Bully Chris then to Big Bryan. Its got some tomos dirt bike swing arm ( senior, juniour??) and a big 2.75 Pirelli tyre in the rear. these Pirelli's are no joke. grip for days

Alukitty with the intake bridged removed. case matched to a55 cases. Malossi 4petal

The Alukit is very nice compared to the Airsal one. the manufacturers of the alukit uses a closed pore cast. feels and looks better constructed than the airsal, although the stock porting and transfers are slightly more aggressive on the reedvalve Airsal kit.

Bryan's Magnum. freshly rebuilt. 80metra, case matched and bored by ShawShaw. gettin the Simonini injection. blaster setup

It just started raining down here in socal. rain riding anyone?