Thursday, December 10, 2009


no bloggy for a couple weeks. family stuff. went to Texas to see my dad for thanksgiving. saw alot of stuff, met alot of family, ate bunches of delicious foodstuffs. stopped by the Grand Canyon, which was amaaaazzzing! the canyon looked like a painting. those pictures to come sooon. Well some moped updates:
Knucklehead B's new tomos. he's stoked. It came from Nick of Choke to Woolly Bully Chris then to Big Bryan. Its got some tomos dirt bike swing arm ( senior, juniour??) and a big 2.75 Pirelli tyre in the rear. these Pirelli's are no joke. grip for days

Alukitty with the intake bridged removed. case matched to a55 cases. Malossi 4petal

The Alukit is very nice compared to the Airsal one. the manufacturers of the alukit uses a closed pore cast. feels and looks better constructed than the airsal, although the stock porting and transfers are slightly more aggressive on the reedvalve Airsal kit.

Bryan's Magnum. freshly rebuilt. 80metra, case matched and bored by ShawShaw. gettin the Simonini injection. blaster setup

It just started raining down here in socal. rain riding anyone?

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